24.90 EUR

Daring! | ArtNr.: daring015

Beschreibung Ink, the art form containing various pigments of beauty and sexual bravery culminating in the pledge of love.

"I wanted to shoot a film both stylish and beautiful with an artistic flair in depth for the artwork within the film and the sexual content that reflected the beauty of all the models. I personally believe this is my best film to date" Kendo
Titel Ink
Studio Daring!
Kategorie Gonzo, Tattoos
Darsteller Holly D, Tallulah, Havana Sin, Daisy Rock, Sasha Rose, Pascal White, Peter Oh Tool, Johny XL, Jamie Barry, Raymond Clark, Floyd Mathias
Regie Kendo
Laufzeit (Min.) 92
Sprache Englisch
Bonusmaterial Trailers
Behind The Scenes
Photo Gallery
Anzahl Discs 1
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