22.50 EUR

Lost And Found
New Sensations | ArtNr.: ns455

Beschreibung What would you do to find love?

David (Xander Corvus), a swinging bachelor who's tired of his old ways, can't believe his luck when Jen (Allie Haze) moves in next door. When uncharacteristically at a loss for words, David's roommate Steve (Chad Alva) devises a scheme that is certain to bring them together. Is there no limit to what a man will do for the sake of a shot at love? Find out in this adorable romance about a man, a woman and the little pup that brought them together by nearly tearing them apart.
Titel Lost And Found
Studio New Sensations
Kategorie Feature, Couples Friendly
Darsteller Zoe Voss, Allie Haze, Lexi Belle, Kimberly Kane, Xander Corvus, Tony De Sergio, Chad Alva
Regie Eddie Powell
Laufzeit (Min.) 130
Sprache Englisch
Bonusmaterial Pick Your Pleasure
Photo Gallery
Anzahl Discs 1
Zutreffende Kategorien für dieses Produkt:
Allie Haze
Allie Haze
Kimberly Kane
Kimberly Kane
Lexi Belle
Lexi Belle
Zoe Voss
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